Personal Injury Protection Arbitration (PIP)

As a result of an injury related to a motor vehicle, the injured party is able to obtain medical coverage through their motor vehicle insurance company.  However, there are times when the insurance companies fail to properly pay for the medical injuries despite having insurance coverage.  At LaRocca Hornik Rosen Greenberg & Patti, we are well versed in dealing directly with insurance carriers and obtain relief for medical bills that have not been paid to medical providers.

In circumstances when individuals are injured and their insurance carriers fail to make the necessary payments for their medical care, the assistance of a trained PIP Arbitration attorney is crucial.  An individual’s care is crucial and can only be completed with the payment of medical bills by the insurance company.

Alon Solon has established a specialized practice wherein he assists those individuals and doctors to collect on insurance payments for medical care when the treatments are medically necessary.  Mr. Solon is knowledgeable of the intricate insurance system and how to maximize benefits.  His expertise assures injured patients that their medical bills are paid to permit the most comprehensive treatment.

As a bonus, Mr. Solon is able to perform this work at no direct cost to either the patient or the treating medical doctor and receives compensation directly from the insurance company.

Mr. Solon teaches medical providers and their staff at their office how to properly anticipate denials of payments so they are ripe for successful Arbitrations.  Further, he conducts seminars advising medical providers and other attorneys the methods to maximize payments and care for their patients/clients.